
Friday, June 5, 2015

Anchors Away on Ship N Shore Blouses

Anchors Away! on Ship N Shore Blouses...

 I stumbled upon this amazing retro sign in an antique shop

To me this was


 I had been wondering around this wonderful antique shop that has three levels for an hour and was on my way out when we decided to hit the "Bargain Basement" before leaving. I had already found a number of things to purchase at that point and had more antique shops to hit. With funds running low, I didn't want to tempt myself further by going downstairs, but my husband encouraged me. "Let's just run through real quick", he stated. He is vintage snob, too. The perfect mate for me. Our entire home is done is mid century things and he plays the trumpet like Dizzy Gillespie for a Motown band. Either way, we bounded down the steps and started eyeing the shelves along the wall covered with many kitschy collectibles.

This basement was oval shaped and this was truly tucked in the far back corner. I didn't even spot it at first, but my better half did. "Hey babe, check this out." 

WHAT?????? I had died and gone to vintage shop heaven. 

I had the vintage Ship N Shore label in my shop and I couldn't WAIT to pick this up for our shop. Hold the phone. We weren't spending anymore money. So, reluctantly, I hung my head and went back upstairs to the counter to pay for the items we had waiting for us. 
I talked to the workers there about our vintage shop and that the sign downstairs was meant for me, but I couldn't afford it in addition to what I already picked up. They offered to hold it for me, but we were shopping an hour away from home. I had no clue when we would return there. I told them if it was meant to be, it would be there for me. And guess what....YEP. 4 months later, upon our return, and me practically knocking over other customers making a beeline for the basement, there is sat on its shelf - waiting for me as I had predicted. I snagged it up and happily brought it back to my shop.

As you will notice this sign does say "BLOUSES" along the bottom so for months I have been scouring our items for a Ship n Shore blouse but to no avail. I only had a few dresses with the label. Here's a later Ship N Shore label from the 1970's:


Yesterday we finally received the perfect blouse to put on display with our sign. The sign sits alone in a wonderful state and has been sitting all alone up on our display shelf above the vintage wall for many months now. It also has the ability to light up from underneath but we still haven't been able to repair it. Either way....Here's the 1970s Peasant-style floral printed blouse that's arrived to pair with it. It is a scoop neck with tie and keyhole at the neck and long sleeves with buttons at the cuffs:

Don't you think it looks PERFECT?

My sign is finally complete with a matching blouse to go along side it! 

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Thanks for reading and Have a Happy Day!